3. Terraform variables
Please follow the below steps to modify terraform files to incorporate the
- Clone the GitHub repo.
git clone https://github.com/roost-io/terraform.git
- Copy
- Fill in the below details
region route53_hosted_zone_id ec2_ami enterprise_dns ip_block_vpc (VPC CIDR where Roost would be setup) okta_client_id or appropriate auth provider company (Provided by Roost team)
Terraform Variable Definitions
Field |
Values | Description |
prefix | "terraform-eaas" | |
region | "us-west-1" | |
az1_suffix | "b" | |
az2_suffix | "c" | |
deletion_protection | false | |
route53_hosted_zone_id | ||
enterprise_dns | "eaas.example.com" | |
ec2_ami | "ami-03df6dea56f8aa618" | |
key_pair | "roost-eaas-keypair" | |
generate_key_pair | true | |
device_name | "sdh" | |
ip_block_vpc | "" | |
instance_type_controlplane | "t3.large" | |
instance_type_jumphost | "t3.micro" | |
google_client_id | ||
google_client_secret | ||
github_client_id | ||
github_client_secret | ||
linkedin_client_id | ||
linkedin_client_secret | ||
azure_client_id | ||
azure_client_secret | ||
okta_client_id | "0oa4bweaxcqn2sfTu5d7" | |
okta_client_secret | "D5oRtWXUWcl9gp1312dVtuSoumU4vrECO4wSsqAO" | |
okta_issuer | ||
roost_jwt_token | ||
company | ||
company_logo | "https://roost.ai/hubfs/logos/Roost.ai-logo-gold.svg" | |
enterprise_email_domain | "example.com" | |
admin_email | "admin@email" | |
senders_email | "sender@email" | |
is_own_mysql | false | |
mysql_host | "mysqldb_host_url" | |
mysql_password | "Roost#123" | |
mysql_username | "Roost" | |
mysql_port | 3306 | |
mysql_db_name | "roostio" | |
mysql_root_password | "Admin#123" | |
senders_email_pass | ||
email_smtp_host |