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Installation Command

RoostGPT binary is available at

Add the "roostgpt-<linux|macos|win.exe>" binary to your PATH environment variable

For Linux/MacOS,  you can execute the below command to install roostgpt

curl | bash -


CLI Commands

./roostGPT-macos   (for mac) &  ./roostGPT-win.exe (for windows)

This command is used to run the RoostGPT CLI on your operating system.

  • -h, --help: Displays the help message that provides information about the available options and usage.

  • roostgpt config create:  Creates roostgpt configuration file. The configuration file contains environment variables used by RoostGPT application.
  • --ui:  It opens the web form in order to create downloadable configuration file.
  • --output-dir, -o <path>:  Creates a configuration file in a specific directory. The configuration file contains environment variables used by the RoostGPT application. Default path is pwd.
  • --name <name>: Creates the configuration file with specific name. Default name is default.env

  • roostgpt config update: Updates the roostgpt configuration file.

  • --config, -c <path>: Specifies the location of the environment configuration file. The configuration file contains environment variables used by the RoostGPT application.

  • --name <name>:  loads pwd/$name.env. It is ignored if the --file is provided

  • roostgpt test create: Triggers the test code.

  • --config,-c <path>: Path to the configuration file if provided, otherwise the configuration will retrieved from Environment variables .

Instructions for creating .env file

An easy way to download the .env file is to use

The .env file should be in the same folder path as RoostGPT binary.

Here is what the content of your .env file will look like:

# GIT env vars
GIT_TYPE=                    # supportsSupports "github",github, "gitlab",gitlab, "azure",azure, "bitbucket",bitbucket, "local"local
HOSTED_TYPE=                 # supportsSupports "cloud"cloud and "hosted"hosted default is "cloud"
GIT_HOSTED_URL=                   # Required if HOSTED_TYPE="hosted"cloud
LOCAL_PROJECT_PATH=          # Required if GIT_TYPE is "local",local, Path to your workspace.
GIT_HOSTED_URL=              # Required if HOSTED_TYPE=hosted
SOURCE_GIT_TOKEN=            # Required
SOURCE_OWNER_NAME=           # Required
SOURCE_REPO_NAME=            # Required
SOURCE_REPO_ID=              # Required for GIT_TYPE="azure" or GIT_TYPE="gitlab"gitlab
SOURCE_PROJECT_NAME=         # Required for GIT_TYPE="azure" or GIT_TYPE="bitbucket"azure
SOURCE_PROJECT_ID=           # Required for GIT_TYPE="azure" or GIT_TYPE="bitbucket"bitbucket
SOURCE_BASE_BRANCH=          # Required
SOURCE_RELATIVE_DIRECTORY=   # Optional, the relative path of the repository
SAME_TARGET_DETAIL=          # optionalOptional default "true"true, Supports true and false
DESTINATION_GIT_TOKEN=       # Required if SAME_TARGET_DETAIL="true"false
DESTINATION_REPO_NAME=       # Required if SAME_TARGET_DETAIL="true"false
DESTINATION_REPO_ID=         # Required if SAME_TARGET_DETAIL="true"false and GIT_TYPE="azure" or GIT_TYPE="gitlab"gitlab
DESTINATION_PROJECT_NAME=    # Required if SAME_TARGET_DETAIL="true" andfor GIT_TYPE="azure" or GIT_TYPE="bitbucket"azure
DESTINATION_PROJECT_ID=      # Required if SAME_TARGET_DETAIL="true"false and GIT_TYPE="azure" or GIT_TYPE="bitbucket"bitbucket

# Open AI env vars
OPENAI_API_MODEL=            # optionalOptional default value is "gpt-4"4
OPENAI_API_KEY=              # Required if AI_TYPE="openai"openai

# Vertex AI env vars
VERTEX_FINE_TUNE=            # Optional default value is false, Supports true and false
VERTEX_PROJECT_ID=           # Required if AI_TYPE="vertexai"vertexai
VERTEX_REGION=               # Required if AI_TYPE="vertexai"vertexai and VERTEX_FINE_TUNE=true
VERTEX_BEARER_TOKEN=         # Required if AI_TYPE="vertexai"vertexai
VERTEX_MODEL=                # optionalRequired, defaultSupports valuetext-bison, iscode-bison, "text-bison"

# optionalAzure defaultOpen valueAI isenv "false"vars
AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT=       # Required if AI_TYPE=azure_open_ai
AZURE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=       # Required if AI_TYPE=azure_open_ai
AZURE_OPENAI_KEY=            # Required if AI_TYPE=azure_open_ai

# Open source env vars
OPEN_SOURCE_MODEL_ENDPOINT=  # Required if AI_TYPE=open_source_ai
OPEN_SOURCE_MODEL=           # Optional, Supports meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat and HuggingFaceH4/starchat-beta

# Jira board env vars
JIRA_HOST_NAME=              # Required if TEST_TYPE="functional"functional and BOARD_TYPE="jira"jira
JIRA_EMAIL=                  # Required if TEST_TYPE="functional"functional and BOARD_TYPE="jira"jira
JIRA_TOKEN=                  # Required if TEST_TYPE="functional"functional and BOARD_TYPE="jira"jira

# Azure board env vars
AZURE_ORG=                   # Required if TEST_TYPE="functional"functional and BOARD_TYPE="azure"azure
AZURE_PROJECT=               # Required if TEST_TYPE="functional"functional and BOARD_TYPE="azure"azure
AZURE_TOKEN=                 # Required if TEST_TYPE="functional"functional and BOARD_TYPE="azure"azure

# Log env vars
LOG_SOURCE=                  # optionalOptional default value is "elks"elks
LOG_SOURCE_PATH=             # optional,Optional, the log file path
LOG_ELASTICSEARCH_URL=       # optional,Optional, the Elastic search URL
LOG_ELASTICSEARCH_USER=      # optional,Optional, the Elastic search user name
LOG_ELASTICSEARCH_TOKEN=     # optional,Optional, the Elastic search token
LOG_ELASTICSEARCH_API_KEY=   # optional,Optional, the Elastic search api key

# SwaggerBehavioural test cases env vars
SWAGGER_URL=BEHAVIORAL_TEST_TYPE=        # RequiredOptional, Supports gherkin
BEHAVIORAL_TEST_SOURCE=      # Optional, Supports file, gitpath, url
BEHAVIORAL_TEST_FILE_PATH=   # Optional, path of the source file if TEST_TYPE="artillery-swagger"source is file/gitpath. Relative path in case of gitpath.
BEHAVIORAL_TEST_URL=         # Optional, url of the source file if source is url

# API Spec env vars
API_SPEC_TYPE=               # Optional, Supports swagger and postman
API_SPEC_SOURCE=             # Optional, Supports file, gitpath, url
API_SPEC_FILE_PATH=          # Optional, path of the source file if source is file/gitpath. Relative path in case of gitpath.
API_SPEC_URL=                # Optional, url of the source file if source is url

# License env vars
ROOST_DOMAIN=                # Optional default value is ""ai
ROOST_TOKEN=                 # Required, the Roost token

# Additional vars
USE_CLI=TEST_NAME=                   # optionalOptional default value is "true"roost-test
TEST_NAME=ROOST_DIR=                   # optionalOptional default value is "roost-test"/var/tmp/Roost/RoostGPT
ROOST_DIR=LANGUAGE=                    # optionalOptional default value is "/var/tmp/Roost/RoostGPT"java LANGUAGE=Supports java, go, python, csharp, nodejs 
AI_TYPE=                     # optionalOptional default value is "java"openai, supportsSupports "java",openai, "go",vertexai, "python",azure_open_ai, "c#", "nodejs" 
AI_TYPE=                          # optional default value is "openai", supports "openai", "vertexai", "open_source"open_source_ai
PACKAGES_TO_SCAN=            # Required for LANGUAGE="java",java, The package to scan and generate test for example - com.demo.sample
ITERATION=                   # optionalOptional default value is 2
TIMEOUT=                     # optionalOptional default value is "60"1 minhour
TEST_TYPE=                   # optionalOptional default value is "unit"unit supportsSupports "unit",unit, "functional",functional, "artillery",artillery, "artillery-swagger"api-spec, integration
RETRIGGER=                   # optionalOptional default value is "false"false, supportsSupports true and false
TRIGGER_ID=                  # unique id to identify multiple triggers
BOARD_TYPE=                  # optionalOptional default value is "jira"jira supportsSupports "jira"jira and "azure"azure #and Improve test env vars
IMPROVE_TEST=                     # optional default value is "false"
FILE_PATH=                        # Required if IMPROVE_TEST="true"
USER_CONTENT=                     # Required if IMPROVE_TEST="true"none
GIT_PR_URL=                  # The Git pr url of the generated test
TELEMETRY=                   # Optional default value is true, Supports true and false, send telemetry data to roost, no private information is shared.

# Improve test env vars
IMPROVE_TEST=                # Optional default value is false, Supports true and false
FILE_PATH=                   # Required if IMPROVE_TEST=true
USER_CONTENT=                # Required if IMPROVE_TEST=true
Here's a description of each variable:
  • GIT_TYPE: Specifies the type of Git repository.
     Supported values: "github", "gitlab", "azure", "bitbucket_cloud", "bitbucket_server".
  • GIT_TOKEN: A token for authenticating the specific Git repository.
  • OWNER_NAME: The name of the repository owner (Git username).
  • REPO_NAME: The name of the repository.
  • REPO_ID: The ID of the repository.
  • PROJECT_NAME: The name of the project.
  • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project .
  • USER_IP: User IP required for "bitbucket_server".
  • BASE_BRANCH: The base branch of the repository (set to "master").
  • RELATIVE_DIRECTORY: The relative directory path within the repository.
# GPT env vars
  • OPENAI_API_MODEL: Specifies the type of the OpenAI API model.
    Supported values: "gpt-4", "gpt-3.5-turbo" etc. ( This models availability depends on the OPENAI_API_KEY ).
    Default value: "gpt-4".
  • OPENAI_API_KEY: The API key for accessing the OpenAI API.
# Vertex env vars
  • VERTEX_PROJECT_ID: The ID of the Vertex project.
  • VERTEX_REGION: The region where the Vertex project is located (example "us-central1").
  • VERTEX_BEARER_TOKEN: The bearer token for accessing the Vertex API.
  • VERTEX_MODEL: The name of the Vertex model to use.
    Supported values: "text-bison", "code-bison".
  • VERTEX_FINE_TUNE: Indicates whether fine-tuning is enabled for the model.
    Supported values: "true", "false".
    Default value: "false".
# Jira board env vars
  • JIRA_EMAIL: The email address associated with your Jira account.
  • JIRA_HOST_NAME: The hostname of your Jira instance.
  • JIRA_PASSWORD: The password for your Jira account.
# Azure board env vars
  • AZURE_ORG: The organization associated with your Azure Devops account.
  • AZURE_TOKEN: The access token for authenticating with Azure Devops.
  • AZURE_PROJECT: The name of the Azure Devops project.
# Logstash env vars
  • LOG_STASH_TYPE: Specifies the type of Logstash integration.
    Supported values: "api", "file".
    Default value: "api".
  • LOG_STASH_DATA: It is required if LOG_STASH_TYPE="file".
  • LOG_STASH_URL: The URL for the Logstash endpoint.
  • LOG_STASH_USE_API_KEY: Indicates whether Logstash uses an API key for authentication.
    Supported values: "true", "false".
  • Default value: "false".
  • LOG_STASH_API_KEY: The API key for authenticating with Logstash.
    It is required if LOG_STASH_USE_API_KEY="true"
  • LOG_STASH_USER_NAME: The username for authenticating with Logstash.
  • LOG_STASH_TOKEN: The token for authenticating with Logstash.
# Swagger env vars
  • SWAGGER_DATA: The URL for the Swagger file or the Swagger JSON file path.
# Additional vars
  • TEST_NAME: The name of the test.
    Default value: "roost-test".
  • ROOST_DIR: The directory path for Roost.
    Default value: "/var/tmp/Roost/RoostGPT".
  • LANGUAGE: The programming language of the source code.
    Supported values: "java", "go", "python", "csharp".
    Default value: "java".
  • AI_MODEL: The AI model being used to generate tests.
    Supported values: "gpt", "vertex".
    Default value: "gpt".
  • PACKAGES_TO_SCAN: The packages to be scanned, supports single package or comma separated values. 
    ( Required for JAVA ex. com.example.product or com.example.product,com.example.controller )
  • ITERATION: The iteration number to improve and run the test.
    Default value: "2".
  • TRIGGER_ID: The ID of the trigger. Unique id to identify multiple triggers
  • TIMEOUT: The timeout duration, after this the test generation will automatically stop.
    Default value: "30" ( 30 minutes ).
  • GITOPS: Indicates whether to create PR for the generated tests or not.
    Supported values: "true", "false".
    Default value: "true".
  • TEST_TYPE: The type of test to generate.
    Supported values: "unit", "functional", "artillery", "swagger".
    Default value: "functional".
  • RETRIGGER: Indicates whether to re-trigger existing test generated that from where it left.
    Supported values: "true", "false".
    Default value: "false".
  • BOARD_TYPE: The type of board to be used.
    Supported values: "jira", "azure".
    Default value: "jira".